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Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Map server - מבחר מפות ותצאו"ת מיוחדות

Map server -
...I tried to collect some maps which are more difficult to get. They cover whole world and they are in digital form... With cooperation with other folks and searching on Internet this collection incredibly raised during last few months. Nowadays the data volume on this server is 19GB!
מכיל מפות מיוחדות בהם בק"מ 1:50000 וגם תצאו"ת ממקומות שונים בעולם

מתוך האתר: תצ"א של הרובע היהודי בפרג
Albanie-Albania/ Armenie-Armenia/ Azerbajdzan-Azerbaijan/ Bulharsko-Bulgaria/ Centr._Asia/ Cesko-Czech Rep/ Cina-China/ Estonsko-Estonia/ Finsko-Finlandia/ Gruzie-Georgia/ Indie-India/ Italie-Italy/ Jugoslavie-Yugoslavia/ Kavkaz-Caucasus/ Litva-Lithuania/ Madarsko-Hungary/ Maroko-Morocco/ Mars Atlas/ Mongolsko-Mongolia/ Nemecko-Germany/ Nizozemi-Netherlands/ Peru/ Polsko-Poland/ Rakousko-Austria/ Recko-Greece/ Rumunsko-Romania/ Rusko-Russia/ Satelite_photos/ Slovensko-Slovakia/ Slovinsko-Slovenia/ Stredni_vychod-Middl..> Svycarsko-Swiss/ Traffic_maps/ Turecko-Turkey/ Ukrajina-Ukraine/ index to maps/


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